
Speaker: Neal Cannon

All Wrapped Up

April 23, 2023

Pr. Neal Cannon preaches on recognizing Jesus

Beautiful Oops

April 09, 2023

Pr. Neal Cannon preaches on how we live a life full of beautiful oops'

The Bible and Rom Coms

March 12, 2023

Pr. Neal Cannon preaches on the modern day meet cute in relation to biblical encounters.

The Content of Our Dreams

February 19, 2023

Pr. Neal Cannon preaches on seeing the content of our dreams come to fruition in our...


January 29, 2023

Pr. Neal Cannon preaches on what makes us #blessed, how this catchphrase came into...

Close to Heaven

January 22, 2023

34:53 Pr. Neal Cannon preaches on waiting for the good news and waiting for the right...

Looking Ahead to Jesus

January 08, 2023

Pr. Neal Cannon preaches on how we can look at baptism as a way of looking ahead (20:46)

Waiting for a Sign

December 18, 2022

(31:38). Neal Cannon preaches on Ahaz, King of Judah and his significance in biblical...