
Form relationships and make a difference

Below are just some of the ways you can volunteer at Woodlake 


There are many ways to be a worship leader at Woodlake.  Sign up to be an usher, greeter, AV tech leader, cantor, sacristan, assisting minister, visual arts creator and more!

Worhsip Sign Up


Our building needs lots of maintenance.  From cleaning, to building projects, to painting and more, find out how you can use your hands to serve this community.

Get Connected

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Interested in a specific ministry?*

Tell us anything else you would like to share.

Children Youth and Family

We have amazing children and youth at Woodlake!  Become a Godly Play story teller, RALY Youth Leader, Summer Trip Leader, or VBS volunteer!

Get Connected

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Interested in a specific ministry?*

Tell us anything else you would like to share.

Homebound Ministry

Become a servant for those who are physically unable to join us on Sunday morning.

Get Connected

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Interested in a specific ministry?*

Tell us anything else you would like to share.