Worship for the whole family
Every Sunday we gather together to worship! Sanctuary Worship begins at 9am. If you feel most comfortable in an environment based on traditional liturgy (pattern of worship), this is a service for you! Families are welcome to make use of the Prayground, where children play with quiet toys and there is space for parents to be in close attendance. The nursery is just a few steps away if you feel more room would help your little one express their squirmy selves!
Modern Worship begins at 10:30am. If you resonate with new, open, and flexible environments, this service is for you. Grab coffee, listen to music that blends contemporary, classic and secular, and sit at round tables for community discussion. An open environment, soft toys, and coloring sheets on every table creates a great atmosphere for young families!
Sunday Worship
-9am (Sanctuary Worship)
-10am (Coffee, Fellowship, & Learning)
-10:30am (Modern Worship)
Occasionally, we have combined Woodlake Worship services at 10am and/or offsite services. Please check our worship calendar to confirm the time and location of worship before visiting. Want to know more about our services? Click here
Godly Play
Every Sunday during the school year
-10-10:30am (PreK-5th Grade) Register here