
RALY (Richfield Area Lutheran Youth)

Woodlake shares our youth ministry programming with House of Prayer Lutheran Church to create Richfield Area Lutheran Youth (RALY).  This shared ministry is an opportunity for our youth to come as they are, build community, and have fun in a faith environment!  RALY welcomes ALL youth & friends regardless of religious tradition, gender identity and expression, race, education, economic status, mental or physical abilities, sexual orientation, or family structure.

RALY Youth Group (6-9th Grade)

RALY Wednesdays (Wednesdays 6-7:30pm; location varies, see schedule)

Happens weekly and is packed with faith, fun and youth fellowship — we invite all to come and dine in community followed by a variety of team building activities. We will primarily be at House of Prayer except the last Wednesday of the month at Woodlake.  At RALY youth will experience service projects, high energy activities (e.g. Capture the Duck, Real Life Clue, & Urban Air), and large group Lock-Ins.  Summer activities include trips to Luther Park Bible Camp, VBS, and Summer Stretch! Click below to sign up for RALY's email list.

Learn More about RALY

Confirmation (7-9th Grade)

Connecting the head

Where RALY is about inspiration and knowing God in your heart, confirmation is about giving youth a chance to also know God in their mind through learning about scripture, core parts of the Lutheran tradition, and who Jesus Christ is.

High School (9-12th Grade)

RALY Second Sunday (Meets the Second Sunday of the month from 6-7:30pm, location varies, see schedule)

Gathers every second Sunday of the month in collaboration with other local churches. Come and hang out with friends, play games, and build community with each other! Second Sunday also does leadership training modeled after the Peer Ministry curriculum.  Every year youth are invited to attend summer trips where they'll experience service, faith, and fun. Join high school youth from local churches as we build beloved community. Friends welcome! Click below to sign up for RALY's email list.

Learn more about RALY